The morning began with our usual 7:30 am breakfast and Victor's whiteboard briefing. The plan for the day was to do a paddle to a horseshoe shaped reef that was farther away and snorkel in the morning. Karen joined John and Kelly in a Discover Scuba session at Off the Wall Diving resort.
Stacey had a successful snorkeling trip, saw lots of fish, rays, and corals and had a fairly easy time getting back in her kayak, but the combination of paddling and fairly long snorkeling left her feeling seasick for the rest of the day. She had a nap and Laura from Alaska did some accupressure to try and relieve the sickness. It seemed to work as she was ready for the evening's festivities.
Karen did land school for diving and then suited up to do the small pool orientation. She had a tough time finding her buoyancy and Bev had to weigh her down with multiple weights and finally, ankle weights. She managed to successfully do all of the breathing skills and mask clearing skills underwater, however. Then they got in the boat to go to the reef and do their descending into open water orientation...a first dive of about 30 feet. The ride was a bit rough and being close to lunch with an empty stomach, she felt a little queasy. They geared up and she fell backwards into the water anyways. Unfortunately, this was not successful. She started her descent and was doing the proper ear clearing, etc. when she started to feel really nauseous. She proceeded to vomit in her respirator. She pulled it out, managed to keep calm, swished it, and reinserted it without panicking. She, however, indicated that she wanted out. They surfaced and she entered the boat, took off her gear and proceeded to puke TWICE over the side of the boat. There were probably some happily fed fishes. She was not well enough to complete her dive and dejectedly returned to her hut to sleep it off.
It was a quiet evening and there aren't too many pics so here they are:
MJ diving down looking for interesting things to show us! |
Staey looking interested!!!!!! |
pretty coral formations |
a lobster hiding under a some coral. |
Can't remember the name of this fish....but MJ did chase it, almost caught it...and later told us that you can often catch these fish with your hands. |
Another coral shot. |
yes I know...another phallic looking coral shot.
Some fishies possibly eating coral???? |
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